Get license for QubicBot

To get your license code, interact with our bot, QubicBot Resident in Second Life. Send a text message for free trial and pay for a full-scale license. Please be advised that each license key works with only 1 bot at a time. 

Special pre-launch offer: get a license 50% cheaper - read below!

Please also note there is a FREE version of the app available.

FREE trial

Drop the "free trial" Instant Message to QubicBot Resident in-world:

and you'll get a reply with a license code to manage your bot for free!

Paid life-time license

Send the money directly to QubicBot Resident and you'll get the single bot license code!


Single bot license after pre-launch: L$2,990



Feel free to contact us!

Dear customers, we are still testing the license delivery. If you don't get a reply from our bot, we will manage your request manually.

You have any questions regarding your payment, contact us!